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Yorkshire Pudding Popover Style


1) Mix a little bit of salt, egg, flour, and milk. Mix then whisk until mixture is smooth. Refrigerate for 20 minutes.
2) Sprinkle thyme on sliced carrots, followed by rosemary, and olive oil. Mix until carrots are well coated. Bake at 400 F for 15 minutes.
3) Put drippings into container. Melt them in the oven.
4) Pour batter into molders/container. Put back in the oven and cook for 15-20 minutes at 450 F.
5) Fry pork chop seasoned with thyme and rosemary. Add some more while frying.
6) Serve pork chops, yorkshire pudding, and roasted carrots.

**Don't forget to pour little pork or beef gravy over the pudding.

***Alternate cooking method: put into one big pan and cook for about 30 minutes.