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Pan Fried Noodles With Beef Broccoli


1 Heat large pot of water to boiling. Cook noodles in boiling water approximately 2 minutes. Noodles rise to surface when they are cooked. Drain noodles and rinse with cold tap water. Drain again; then toss noodles in a large bowl with the sesame oil and some salt. Heat a non-stick skillet over medium heat. Add the noodles to the skillet. Press down with a spatula and shape noodles into one large disk. When noodles are lightly browned on one side, flip the noodle pancake and brown the other side. Set aside.

2 Mix the marinade ingredients together in a large bowl. Stir the beef into the marinade and set aside.

3 Combine the cooking sauce ingredients in a small bowl and set aside.

4 Heat large wok or frying pan over high heat. When hot, add a little vegetable oil, then add broccoli and stir-fry briefly until browning at edges. Add 1/4 cup water to hot pan and cover quickly to allow the broccoli to steam. This will take 5 minutes or so, stir occasionaly and add more water if necessary...until broccoli is barely tender. Remove broccoli from wok, set aside.

5 Be sure that no water remains in wok. Over high heat, add a little vegetable oil. When hot, add the beef and sear it before continuing to stir-fry. When just a little pink remains in beef, stir the cooking sauce and add it to the beef. Return the broccoli to the pan and stir all until sauce thickens...Taste for seasoning, and add salt if necessary.

Serve over noodles or plain steamed rice.