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Fruit Pudding


Take half the strawberries and remove the tops, cut into 4 and add to 1/2 of the mixed fruit. Add the caster sugar to taste and rip up about 10 large leaves of basil into the berries and leave to one side.
Place the rest of the frozen fruit in a blender and whiz to puree the fruit well. Add some sugar to taste and pass the sauce through a sieve.
Remove the crusts from the bread and line the small moulds, firstly with a little olive oil then with cling-film in the base of each mould.
Then with a small circle for the base, slices for the sides and a larger circle for the top. When lining the moulds dip the bread on one side in the sauce and place in the mould, dipped side against the mould.
Fill the centre with the fruit and some of the juice and press down well, and top with the last slice of bread.
Remove the pudding from the mould and place on a plate. Spoon over the sauce and garnish the top with the remaining fresh berries and a sprig of fresh basil, dust with a little icing sugar and serve.