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Christmas Fruitcake


1. In a bowl, place sliced candied pinapple, chopped pecans, walnuts, dates, apricot, dark raisins, golden raisins, bing cherries and dried cranberries. Stir well.
2. Add french brandy and honey. Marinate for 24 hours.
3. The next day, butter brown paper and line pans on both sides.
4. Separate 4 eggs in a bowl
5. In another container, add flour ,cloves, nut meg, cinnamon, baking soda and salt. Mix well until refine.
6.Using food mixer, beat egg whites with cream of tartar.
7. Using food mixer, beat the eggs and transfer to a bowl.
8. Using food mix, cream butter, sugar, honey, vanilla and lemon extract. Also add beaten egg yolk. Fold in the beaten egg whites. Mix well.
9. Stir in sifted dry ingredients.
10. Place in the molder pan and bake 2 cakes for 275' F for 2 and half hours.
11. Drizzle brandy on the cakes
12. Wrap in plastic and store in tins for 3 weeks before Christmas. Drizzle with brandy each week.